Tasty recipe of bitter melon stir fry with pork and egg! Bitter melon has a lot of health benefits.
2020/8/7 bitter melon, pork, Recipe
"beer" "Wasabi" "bitter melon" They are big 3 who we have terrible impression on at first bite. ...
How to make Japanese fried chicken with koji rice salt! Do you know benefit of koji rice?
2020/7/29 Amazake, Chicken, Kara-age, koji rice, koji rice salt
"Kara-age"!! In Japan, Japanese fried chicken is called "Kara-age". At convenient store LAW ...
Recipe of Chicken cheese cutlet with Shiso leaf and pickled plum(Umeboshi). It's great for lunch box!(Bento)
"Too sour to eat it without rice or something. " It might be impression for pickled plums. (w ...
How to make Teriyaki-Yellow tail? Teriyaki is not only a word for chicken or beef!
2020/7/29 Recipe, Teriyaki, Umaibou, Yellow tail
What kinds of Teriyaki menu do you imagine when you hear a word "Teriyaki"? It might be Teriy ...
Super easy Gyudon recipe!
”Soon, Tasty, Low-price", this is the most popular catch copy of Gyudon in Japan. When you ar ...