Super easy Gyudon recipe!


”Soon, Tasty, Low-price", this is the most popular catch copy of Gyudon in Japan.

When you are at Shinjyuku or some kind of city( and especially near the station), you can find billboard colored orenge and green, written "吉野家”.This famous fast restaurant is Japanese Gyudon's old home.

If 吉野家Yoshinoya hadn't made Gyudon so popular, Japanese people might have not eat it often.

Now most of the Japanese buisiness men eat Gyudon at lunch time, or students eat it well. Because it is offered soon and tasty and low price.

Other fast restaurants for example 松屋Matsuya, なか卯Nakau, すき家Sukiya also offer Gyudon at their store. This is just my liking, but 吉野家's Gyudon is simple and tasty, and なか卯’s Gyudon is rich soup stock flavor and fresh raw egg on side menu matches it so well. 

And also なか卯's "haikara-Udon" is recomended menu.(not Gyudon but it's Dashi soup is awesome!

Today this article will share super easy Gyudon recipe. Let's see how it can be made! Recipe source:白ごはん.com


Super easy Gyudon recipe instruction

First:Cutting ingredients

You cut beef to size you easily eat. And you cut ginger into fine strips and onions into 1cm slices. (If you cut onions more thin, soup will be well soaked.)

Second:Boil and flavor

Before you turn on fire, You put water and seasonings.(Japanese cooking liquor: 50ml, sweet sake: 50ml, soy sauce: 4tablespoon, sugar: 3tablespoon, water: 200ml,) And you boil them for 20minutes.(while boiling, remove scum)

When beef and onions become soft and well soaked, put all of them on rice. (put soup from top)


You can bring Benishoga on top if you want something kind of pickles.



Gyudon/scale 2people 

250g beef

1piece  ginger

1/2  onion

・Benishoga (if you want)

・for 2 people  rice

50ml Japanese cooking liquor

50ml sweet sake 

4 tablespoon soy sauce 

3 tablespoons sugar 

200ml  water

Tsuyudaku? or Normal? at Yoshinoya!


吉野家(@yoshinoya_co_jp)がシェアした投稿 -


"Tsuyudaku" is typical word which the master of Gyudon can use at Yoshinoya store. "Tsuyu" means soup and "daku" means a lot.

So "Gyudon Tsuyudaku" represents a Gyudon with a lot of soup. Of course, normal menu is tasty as usual, But plus"daku" menu is still popular among Gyudon fan. When you say "Tsuyudaku" at order, you can go one step ahead of other customers as a master.


Other special orders

If you use "daku" or "nuki" depends on your mood when you order, you can get menu that you want exactly. You can increase what you want using "daku", and you can put what you don't need out using "nuki". 

For example, "Tsuyu dakudaku" is below.


渚(@nagisa.93)がシェアした投稿 -


You can see rice with a lot of soup in Donburi like Ochazuke.  If you want to eat Gyudon much smoothly, this order is recommended. 


Next order is "neginuki". "neginuki" means no onions. It's just my opinion but onions which have so much flavor of soup are key of Umami.So this may be unusual order, but there is such kind of special order at Yoshinoya. The photo of "neginuki" is below. 


牟田真一郎(@mutashinchan)がシェアした投稿 -


Gyudon! Gyudon!
I want to eat "negi daku" Gyudon!

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